Thursday, April 9, 2009

Geng ringgo besok!

geng ringgo will reunite tomorrow
and i am thrilled.
gonna go there with tristan,
its an open house at Dennis - Nadia's house.
and its gonna be the first time i'll be seeing Roro-Rizky's baby!!!
oh no wait, second time!
i miss them people so mucccchhhhhh...


Anonymous said...

wah asyik nampaknya kumpul-kumpul bersama teman :D berarti bakalan ada Agus Ringgo gt ya? Lucu sekali orang itu... he doesnt have to say anything, dari tampangnya aja udah kocak abis.

C said...

hahaha iya ...selain lucu otaknya memang agak korslet jadi harap maklum aja yaa...