Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Chaotic City

This is sad and endless.
This is the chaos happened in Ampera. Three people died.
And it doesnt end there, tonight another chaos is happening around Pramuka.
It is breaking my heart.

image courtesy:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dinda's Interview :D

before i start you might wanna check out her blog, she's one of the B-Voice announcer, and she loves giving you chicken wings. At least that what she did when i was still working at Trax. lol.

Jika fashion adalah sebuah tindakan kriminal, maka saya bersalah karena
Punya celana jeans yang ada gambar-gambarnya (on my defense, it was a gift lol)

Kecantikan/ketampanan (beauty) itu relatif, tapi menurut lo cantik/tampan itu apa sih?
Waktu mereka nggak 'sadar cakep' aka sok cakep. hehe

Apakah "kecantikan/ketampanan" (fisik) selalu mengalahkan "otak"? Lemme know what you think.
gotta say, both beauty and brain has to be sync. Look does matter but when you're dumb, then bye bye.

Kata "damai" kini hanya sebuah kata tak bermakna, tapi lo mengartikan damai sebagai apa dan mengapa damai itu penting?
Damai tuh sekarang cuma jadi nama jalan. And a wishful thinking.

Anak muda jaman sekarang ga semua peduli dengan politik (hanya segelintir saja), dan bisanya hanya mengeluh dan mengkritik. dikit-dikit panas deh. Perubahan apa yang akan lo lakukan untuk negara lo, atau seenggaknya komunitas/diri lo?
Politik itu harusnya fun kok. Harusnya ya. tapi klo nggak ngerti politik nggak usah sok tau n bawel. Blajar dulu baru ngomong. Thats what i do.

Televisi adalah
Sahabat dan musuh

Seorang teman (sejati) menusuk lo dari belakang dan seorang yang tidak atau bahkan baru kenal akan menusuk kalian dari depan. Mengapa bisa begitu?
I dont give a shit. Love me or hate me, see if i care.

Lo didalam pesawat dan (amit-amit) pesawat mau jatuh. Lo hanya mempunyai beberapa menit lagi untuk hidup dan kesempatan untuk menelfon seseorang. Siapakah orang itu dan apa yang akan lo katakan?
*serem amat sih nanyanya?!* anyway, my mom and dad, telling em i love them.

Presiden SBY, Barrak Obama dan Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dimata lo seperti apa?
SBY: agak ngantuk dia sepertinya.

Obama: a damn great public speaker. still cant decide if he's a great do-er yet.

Ahmadinejad: A stressed out man.

menurut saya, keluar dari zona kenyamanan saya adalah
the next thing im gonna do. klo nggak bisa bosen.

Negara/kota yang pengeeen banget banget lo hidup disana selama lamanya dimana dan kenapa? alesan yg spesifik. (gausah maksa jawab Indonesia gapapa ko, lo tetep nasionalis)
anywhere near the beach. Makes me feel like the water washed away the pain.

Mulutmu harimaumu? Betulkah pernyataan itu? Kalo iya, mengapa?
betul. klo ga percaya cobain aja, nyebarin gosip gitu misalnya tentang temen lo, kalo nggak berantem, brarti gue salah.

Familiar dengan istilah "think outside the box"? Menurut lo artinya apa? Gue dan semua orang tau arti harafiahnya apa, tapi menurut lo apa sih?

Manusia diciptakan untuk
hidup buat Tuhannya.

Sebuah nama, sebuah arti. Nama lo ada arti khusus ga?
Cheryl: Katanya bokap itu nama anak salah satu tentara jaman dulu yang dibaca di koran.

Maria: Ibu Yesus

Marella: smart :p

“Laughter is a clever medicine” (Incubus - dig) true? false? reason?
hmm maybe, but in contradiction, as Spin Doctors says , the bigger i laugh, the harder i cry.

Teman sejati adalah teman yang
Ngasih tau kalo temennya lagi salah, nggak manggut manggut iya iya melulu.

Pandangan lo terhadap kehidupan (?)
Life is good when you have faith in it.

cinta sama hewan? cinta lingkungan? peduli dengan sesama? peduli pendidikan? peduli kesehatan? peduli kesejahteraan? emangnya apa kontribusi kalian terhadap semua yg diatas? adakah konsep di benak kalian untuk mengubah semua itu? tindakan nyata kalian apa?
cinta hewan: mungkin blom banyak untuk yg ini, bsk gue gabung di wwf deh hehe
cinta lingkungan: pasti (gue kmn2 bawa tas go green klo grocery shopping lol),
peduli pendidikan : i think even life is a lesson, thats why i also teach :p
kesehatan: apalagi makanya i dont eat red meat anymore, and i have part time job as a nurse
peduli sesama: i do. hmm bingung jelasinnya, mungkin lebih ke jadi pendengar dan advisor yg baik waktu dibutuhkan ya.
peduli kesejahteraan: dude if i was at least as reach as Bakri, i'd pay for the homeless to have homes, the kids to study, but since i wasnt, you can say i'm a robyn hood. i stole from the haves and give it to the poor (my own way). lol.

Cinta ato sayang ke pasangan itu seperti apa? Menurut lo, layakkah lo untuk mencintai dia dan dicintai dia?
LMAO! i guess it's love when it's unconditionally. love him for all he is. he doesn't even have to love me back. *idiiihhhhh ngeriiii cuy hahahhahaha*

keluarga adalah
People i'd take bullet on my chest for.

Who’s your favourite band/singer?
argh..too much to mention. ok lemme put it this way...

from britney to yeah yeah yes to backstreet boys to sigu ros to the kook to guns n roses to queen to chicane to fall out boy to heart to joan jett.. (thats pretty much every genre) i love all of em, and dont tell me to pick one or i'll kill you! hahaha

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Geng Canon (haha yes we are that corny)

So, about last month we went to Karawaci, my home town, to released some stress.
And we went to take pictures at the places where i used to live back in that glorious days.
This one is Taman Elok.

It was fun. I met Citra there as well. Was surfing through the night there with the blinking lights around Richmond. How i wish i was still a teenager. Anyways, that's prolly it. *Snap* back to reality.

you can also visit:


me and my friends were having a chat at brew house a couple of days ago that turns out was quite a relieve. It was more like an AA meeting. So, here's pretty much what i am obsessed about:

Hi, I'm Cheryl Marella... and
  1. I'm obsessed with black eyeliner and mascara
  2. I'm a TV series addict
  3. I'm a slave for music
  4. I always bring 7 sheets of tissue to the toilette
  5. I'm the most loyal to my friends
  6. I was such a spoiled brat
  7. I need anger management (but i think i'm progressing in this case)
  8. I'm obsessed with red, blue and black nail polished
  9. I look stupid with long hair
  10. I'm crazy for sport
  11. I love man's abs
  12. I love big rings
  13. I'm a slave for fashion
  14. I love to write
  15. I suck at math and anything that has a thing to do with match
  16. I'm pretty blunt
  17. I don't say "I LOVE YOU" if i didn't mean it
  18. I am an idiot when i fall in love
  19. I can not be a barbie! EW!
  20. I hate Paris Hilton

Friday, September 17, 2010

Playlist of the day

1. Jamiroquai - seven days in sunny june
2. Nirvana - come as you are
3. No doubt - it's my life
4. Atiek CB - Terserah Boy (old skool parah i love it!)
5. Dolly Parton - Joeleen
6. Guns 'n roses - knocking on heaven's door
7. Starla - Hey (hey, gotta listen to my own band! :p )
8. The Kooks - Sway
9. Mumm Ra - She's got you high
10. Weezer - Crash

mood of the day: swinging.
also check out:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

OMG the pic got reviews :p

Remember the pic Bang Toyib (aka @aganharahap) took a couple of post before?
here comes the reviews:


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


1. I love rock n roll - Joan Jett & the black hearts (coz i just watced The Runaways last night lol)
2. Kids - MGMT
3. Loser - Beck
4. Alone - Heart
5. History - Funeral For a Friend
6. Here in your arms - Hellogoodbye
7. Oh it is love - Hellogoodbye
8. Love the way you lie - Eminem ft Rihanna
9. 156 - Mew
10. Glory box - Portishead

The Jak FM

This is pretty much how my office looks like.
This is where we cook the magic :p

and if you ever sent demos to radios,
look at my poor MD and how many CDs she got to hear in a day!
no wonder ey!

so yeah

Bang Toyib is awesome!

i love this one really! too funny!

He said he wanna make a brutal pic, so i got to spit (not really spit, more like sprayed) to his camera!

The horror pic, i got scared looking at me.

Hahaha the aibo robot is too cute!!!

err...i dunno what happened to me on this one lol

ps: thank you BT for the pics!